Thursday, 24 March 2016

The Inspiration of Ice

Quiet on my blog has meant busy at work on the book. The first draft is always the beginning. Since October I have rewritten Where The Ice Burns three times. Always a time of learning as a writer, of challenge but also of passion as I strive to excavate the best book possible from all the months of research, character development and restructuring.

It has been a hard winter in Bergen. Dark, and icy cold. But drier than normal, the rain held at bay by fragile, and at other times brittle bright northern light.

The Bergen ice has helped me return time and time again to the stark winter landscape of the far north of Norway. Walking near my home, up in the mountains, and by the fjord I have found myself discovering so many different types of snow and ice.  I am fascinated by the variety of ice formations and take pictures.

The sight of the ice in arrested movement stills my heart, and yet the water striving to break free beneath the surface sends my mind drifting back in time to the landscape of my accused girls. Always my books are centred around setting. Landscape becomes a character.